Our Mission

Our goal is simple: Produce Josta in its original, groundbreaking formula.

Josta was one of the first sodas marketed with a focus on its energy-boosting capabilities. Unlike most current energy drinks, Josta offered an exotic and fruity flavor not comparable to anything else being sold then - or today.


All Things Josta

What is, er, was it, and why did it fail?

Josta Reborn recipe

Letters & feedback from you!

News blog

Help Us Win!

The quest for Josta's return has been a two decade labor of love. This old site, circa 2011, is the update to the 2002 original, which is viewable here.

In June, 2021, the showrunner(s) of the Disney+ series Loki revived my belief that Josta could return - even briefly - by making it obvious that Owen Wilson's character, Mobius, is drinking it in some scenes.


Ways to Help

1.  Call Pepsi @ (914) 253-2000

2.  Write Pepsi here

3.  Join us for updates and information on when

     we are coordinating efforts by Liking Josta on



     **Please email me with any comments or Josta-

     related stories!**


Link to the ORIGINAL Save Josta site


Throwback: My idea?

Yup! In 2004, the Save Josta campaign suggested to Pepsi the concept of "Pepsi Classics" where they would bring back classic sodas for a limited run.

Pepsi with real sugar, Crystal Pepsi and even Pepsi Blue have all received this treatment over the last few years.

Do I want credit? Money?? Nah. I only want Josta!


Built on 5/15/2011 by Jason Latona