News / Updates / Etc



04/14/05 - Save Josta Petition nears 1,000 signatures



01/26/05 - This campaign influences Pepsi's website



01/15/05 - New Josta website joins the campaign!!!




01/14/05 - Coca Cola to possibly bow to fan pressure over Surge?



01/14/05 - Home Page Story: Pepsi's Website Woes

                      Ask Lisa isn't telling the truth about Josta or Pepsi Blue...


10/06/04 - Orders for Josta still plentiful!


09/22/04 - Check out an original Josta marketing kit


08/29/04 - Lessons for Pepsi Marketing to learn


07/27/04 - Blow-off number one billion...

                      Sorta like the amount of dollars Pepsi is giving away!


07/04/04 - Coca Cola C2 and Pepsi Edge...

                      Pepsi is always following Coke...


06/21/04 - The Top Five Reasons to Write Pepsi About Josta

                      I admit they are lame, but indulge me!


06/14/04 - Received another letter from Pepsi Customer

                      Service, but in response to the letter I wrote in May...


06/01/04 - Concoct your own Josta-like beverage!


05/25/04 - Is "Ask Lisa," the help-bot, lying?

                      Yes - unless Pepsi is planning on adding Josta back to their site...


05/22/04 - Received letter from Pepsi via snail-mail

                      Pepsi Customer Service sent me a response to a letter

                      I mailed a month ago...


05/22/04 - Funny thread at

                     Seriously though, this is great. There are still SO

                     many fans of Josta!


05/05/04 - Pepsi Customer Relations call transcript

                     Called Pepsi today, pretty much got blown off - Click

                     to read it...




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